We now offer Pre Retrofit Design for Installers
Path A: Level 5 Diploma / MCIAT.
Path B: As above plus registered Architects, Construction Managers and Building Surveyors.
Path C: Professional Membership of CIOB, CIAT, CARE, AABC, RIBA RICS or RIAS.
We work alongside design professionals to provide specification and detailing for the Retrofit project. All designers are members of the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists, Royal Institute of British Architects or Chartered Building Engineers.
Retrofit Designers design relevant energy efficiency improvements to the dwelling using the energy assessments and their knowledge and experience of the best retrofit measures appropriate for each dwelling.
For lower risk path projects the designer can be a technically competent person such as an MCS accredited solar pv installer if this was to be the measure installed under PAS 2035, or a retrofit co-ordinator in many instances. For higher risk paths with complex measures or a high number of dwellings, the designer would be an appropriately qualified person as below: